Indian Head Massage

What is Indian Head Massage?

Massage has always played an important part of Indian Life. Indian Champissage commonly known as Indian Head Massage works on the upper back, shoulders, arms, neck, head and face. These areas are the most vulnerable to stress and tension. The treatment is a de-stressing programme for the whole body. It is a simple safe and beneficial therapy. Massage of the scalp, face, neck and shoulders soothes, comforts and rebalances the flow of energy to produce a feeling of peace and tranquility.

How is the treatment performed

Indian Head Massage is a seated massage based on the ancient ayurvedic system of healing. The treatment will last for 30 minutes.

A variety of pressures and techniques are used to relieve stress and tension in the upper back, shoulders, neck, upper arms and scalp, finishing with a soothing face massage and mini chakra balancing treatment, including drainage techniques to alleviate any tendency towards headaches and sinus problems. Oils are not used during a standard treatment but can be applied on request.

Benefits of Having Indian Head Massage

The treatment is deeply relaxing, easing strains from the upper body and removing stagnant energies that have accumulated around the major energy centres. Indian Head Massage is ideal for everyday stress relief and the alleviation of neck and shoulder tension by inducing a sense of deep relaxation. Case studies have widely documented the powerful affect of the treatment including relief of headaches, migraines and sinus problems as a result of the variety and combination of techniques used.

Indian Head Massage can help to:

Relieve tension and headaches, neck and back pain

Alleviate stress

Promote relaxation

Release muscular knots and tension that has accumulated in the tissues

Stimulate lymphatic drainage, helping to remove toxins and boost the immune system

Improve circulation which lifts energy and improves concentration

Increase joint mobility and flexibility in the neck and shoulders

Balance and improve energy flow

Promote hair growth

Indian Head Massage (30 minutes)

